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The Hidden Glue of Team Success: Why Unglamorous Tasks Matter More Than You Think Episode

The Hidden Glue of Team Success: Why Unglamorous Tasks Matter More Than You Think

· 01:52


The article discusses the concept of "glue work," introduced by Tanya Reilly, which refers to essential but often overlooked tasks that contribute to a team's efficiency, such as documentation, onboarding, and addressing technical debt. While these tasks are crucial for the success of projects, they typically go unrecognized in professional evaluations like promotions and bonuses, which tend to favor more visible contributions like feature delivery. The article argues that organizations prefer employees to focus on these visible outcomes rather than the behind-the-scenes work that enhances overall efficiency, as leadership prioritizes executing their business goals over improving team processes. It advises a tactical approach to glue work, recommending that engineers selectively engage in it when it directly impacts the success of their own projects while maintaining a focus on their primary responsibilities.

Key Points:

  • "Glue work" encompasses necessary but unglamorous tasks that facilitate team efficiency.
  • Companies often neglect to reward glue work in favor of more visible achievements.
  • Engineers may struggle with glue work and miss promotions due to this imbalance.
  • Organizations prioritize delivery of features over improving team processes.
  • Employees are encouraged to engage in glue work tactically but should maintain focus on their main job responsibilities.
  • The inefficiency within large tech companies leads to a reliance on exceptional individuals for glue work.
    Link to Article


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